Episode 14:
Fiona Weaver on Quieting the noise and tuning into the needs of her baby
I am so happy to be bringing you this conversation with my dear friend Fiona Weaver.
Fiona Weaver is social worker with expertise in perinatal mental health and a passion for providing education about biologically normal infant sleep. She is a mother of two, very soon to be three, and is the woman behind Mama Matters, and the Mama Chatters podcast. Through her work, she is shaking up the mainstream sleep industry with compassion and integrity, providing parents with the confidence, validation and honest sleep support they deserve.
In this beautiful chat, Fiona opens up about her pre-parenthood expectations, the unexpected revelations she encountered as a mother, and her transformative journey of surrender and acceptance. She candidly describes the constant balancing act between following her own instincts and responding to her baby's needs, while also navigating the influx of advice often given to first-time moms. Together, we explore the trials of motherhood, the influence of ego in parenting, and the innate desire to conform and be accepted by peers. Fiona graciously imparts her wisdom on embracing imperfection, relying on intuition, the pitfalls of martyrdom, and her most significant areas of personal growth since embarking on motherhood.
I hope you enjoy listening to this conversation as much as I enjoyed having it.
You can find out more about Fiona at the below places: