Episode 15: Seeds for your garden
Being With & Processing Grief
I’ve got something a little bit different for you on this episode of seeds for your garden! There have been big things moving within me in the last little while, and the theme has been grief. Grief is one of the many things that we often don’t know how to process because we weren’t given a good blueprint of how to do so by our parents and our community. In our modern world, grief is an emotion that is often avoided or suppressed – but the truth is that we need to feel it to heal it.
Grief is also an emotion that many mothers know well. At many points along our journey, grief is with us whether that be a pregnancy or birth that didn’t go to plan, the end of a breastfeeding journey, or a breastfeeding journey that never eventuated, a relationship that buckles under the weight of parenting, or when our babies finally begin their schooling life. Grief is a constant in all of our lives. So this week, I am sharing with you a guided practice to help you be with and process the grief that may be moving within you.
Guided practices like these make up a significant part of my work and are a core component of my group coaching program: The Rebirth. If you are curious about this work, you can head to the link below to find out more and register for the waitlist for my next intake which will be very soon later in June.
I hope this episode provides just what you are needing at this time. Go gently with yourself.